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the worst thing is when you see a really good friend start to replace you.
You CANT change your past, but you CAN change your future
As hard as it may be, establish eye contact with everyone you meet. It`s one of the best ways to make people take you seriously
Age is just a number… yeah, and jail is just a room.
"Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination." - Roy L. Goodman
"Take care of your body. It`s the only place you have to live." - Jim Rohn
"If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging." - Will Rogers
here’s to all the kids who have never found their name on anything in a souvenir store
do your eyes ever randomly go out of focus and then you are too lazy to focus them back in and just stare at nothing for a while?
I wish I was one of those people who was just naturally smart at math instead I`m one of those people who still uses my fingers to count