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Studies show that if theres gonna be free food I will show up 100% of the time
Men would traditionally walk with a woman on his left arm, so his right hand could be free for his sword in case of a duel.
Mary Jane was actually killed by SpidermanÍs radioactive semen in the comics.
Laughter increases the activity of antibodies by about 20%, helping to destroy viruses and tumor cells.
Relationships (good ones) are the ones that cause you to do better, be better.
More than 50% of adults surveyed said that children should not be paid money for getting good grads in school.
Don`t laugh at peoples dreams, it might be all they have.
Lorde is 17 and y`all are calling her ugly on your couch while she`s winning a Billboard Award let me let you reevaluate your life
do smelly people not know they smell or do they just not care?
Twitter makes me forget I have text messages.