Facebook status

The man who treats his woman as a queen is deserved to live as a king. LIKE if you too Agree
Getting bored in class: sneakily eating food while trying to hide it from your friends and the teacher.
If your Facebook page contains 50 or more photos of yourself, you`re not allowed to call yourself ugly.
The awkward moment when you’re waiting for a text but then you realize you’re the one who didn’t reply.
We aren`t dating, but when I see someone else flirting with you, I just want to punch them in the face.
If you are sick of crying, just keep smiling.
A big shout out to all the sidewalks, thanks for keeping me off the street
Some people need to open their small minds instead of their big mouths.
I love school! ... Besides that learning part, ya that has to go!
Cuddling with a teddy bear can improve your mood and decrease feelings of loneliness.