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Before closing out of a paper, pressing the save button repeatedly, just to make sure it saved.
realizing theres a tangle in your headphones but leaving it because you`d have to take your headphones off.
LIKE IF: You Philosophize in the shower for 30 minutes then wash for 5 minutes.
LIKE IF : Laughing at something funny and farting, which provokes more laughter which produces more farts, more laughs, more farts....
LIKE IF Making faces at the computer when it begins to lag.
LIKE IF: Checking your phone for the time rather that looking at the time on the computer.
That moment when Slapping your best friend when you are excited about something.
We all know someone who desperately needs a haircut.
Bringing your pet over to a mirror and being like "That`s you."
I liked you until you farted and turned the MUSIC up like it was gonna cover the smell.