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My neighbor obviously doesn`t watch porn. She asked me to come fix her sink, I been here for an hour and i`m still fixing the damn sink.
Some people just say you`re uncapable of doing things, simply cause dreaming big scares them. If you have a dream dont let ANYONE hold u back
Girl logic. I`m gonna friend-zone this nice guy I know and date someone else but if he gets a girlfriend I`ll be mad at him
I wish I had speakers built inside my shower.
The man with world`s longest beard died after tripping over it. #DidyouKNOW
Bad handwriting? Keep this in mind: more intelligent people tend to think faster, and as a result their handwriting is more sloppy.
According to suicide statistics, Monday is the day most people off themselves.
Articles/Magazines don`t realize how ignorant and stupid they sound when they make fun of celebrity women without make up.
I do marathons.... On Netflix
The most attractive quality, hands down, a guy can possess is respect for women.