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Don`t start drama & then say you hate drama.
When boys make plans instead of always saying "idk what do you want to do". ☺
When boys say they would rather spend their friday night with you instead of going out with their friends
When boys kiss your shoulder
When a girl is mad at you, everything becomes reverse psychology. Yes means no. Go means stay.
When you fly in your dreams, psychology says that you have a desire to express creativity & break out of your normal life.
A man walks about 7% slower when with wives or girlfriends, and speeds up when with other men.
girls who call their friends out on things in front of boys to make themselves look better are the worst kinds of people
When thinking about life remember this: No amount of guilt can solve the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt