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You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.
When a person dies, their sense of hearing is the last to go -- Touch and sight are the first.
Don`t waste your time with Explanations, people only hear what they want to hear..
You can`t help someone who`s not willing to help themselves.
You know a girl is mad when she starts off a sentence saying "I just find it funny how " bc there`s a 99.9% chance she did not find it funny
When you’re finished with an essay, copy and paste it into Google Translate and listen to it. It’s the easiest way to find mistakes.
Spend a little too much time in the sun? Freeze aloe vera into ice cubes for additional relief for a sunburn.
walking into your room and saying "damn, I need to clean this.." then walking out.
putting "official" in your username to let all of your 37 followers know it`s the real you
pizza won`t divorce you
pizza won`t betray you
pizza won`t cheat on you
pizza won`t fight with you
why don`t people just marry pizza