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my mood literally changes every 2 seconds its so confusing
You`re like pizza. Even when you`re bad, you`re good
Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it.
if a girl keeps flirting and talking to your man, it`s most likely because YOUR man talks back. She can`t talk and flirt to herself.
It`s difficult for me to love someone, but when I do, I do it with all my heart.
imagine reading a book of all the lies you’ve told
kinda want to go out of state so I can just restart my life with completely new people and never see any one of you again
I broke up with my gym we were just not working out
me every morning: should have gone to bed earlier
hearing your favorite song on the radio is 5000x more exciting than hearing it on your iphone