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If I had a dollar for every time someone spelled my name wrong, I could pay for college, semester abroad, a new car, and a mansion in cash
me waking up: I can`t wait to go to sleep tonight
if we break up or stop being friends your secrets are still my secrets, i`ll stick to my word regardless
Depressed people are likely to get colds more often while happy and energetic individuals get sick less often.
Listening to music for an hour every day can reduce chronic pain by up to 21% and depression by up to 25%
Before Pixar settled on Toy Story, other names suggested included "Made in Taiwan, Moving Buddies, and Toyz in the Hood."
Pirates wore eye patches to have one eye adjusted for the top deck and the other already adjusted for the darkness when going below deck.
In the movie Toy Story, Andy didn`t have a father because human characters were too expensive to animate.
Before you put someone else down or judge them. Look at yourself and your actions. Instead of putting people down...help them.
life is way too precious. if anyone ever needs anyone to talk to/vent i`m always here for any of u, even if i don`t know you. you`re not alone