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The best boyfriend isn`t the best-looking, the funniest, or the richest. It`s the one that makes sure you know he loves you.
Why do girls have to be the ones who ask to take a pic together, I would love if a guy was like "let`s take a picture" and posted that ishh
When boys take their education and responsibilities seriously are so much more attractive rather than boys who just don`t care.
I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life right now.
I can send you a text at 12:04 & be asleep by 12:05
i think my favorite feeling is laughing with someone and realizing half way through how much i enjoy them and their presence.
Girls get jealous because they know what other girls are capable of doing.
If someone tells you you`re not beautiful, turn around and walk away, so they can have a great view of your fabulous ass ✌
Nothing is more annoying than being in a bad mood for no apparent reason and being asked "what`s wrong?" over and over again.
Everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.