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Remove unpleasant odor in smelly shoes or gymbags by placing dry tea bags in them.
Ask Siri, "is this the Krusty Krab?"
It`s actually better to take a test on an empty stomach. Hunger makes you better able to focus.
Physical touch makes you healthier. Studies show that massages, hugs, and hand holding reduce stress and boost the immune system.
Confusing Wikipedia article? Click "Simple English" on the left list of languages and it`ll whisk you to a simplified version.
If you`re lazy, efficient, busy or don`t own an ironing board, throw your wrinkled clothes in the dryer for 30 minutes with a wet sock.
Honey is the only food that will not rot. A jar of honey may remain edible for over 3000 years.
Oh yeah, I remember." Definition: I don`t really remember, but I want you to shut up already.
"Awww thanks"
Definition: Welcome to the friendzone, I hope you enjoy your stay.
Definition: #tweeting ya feelings over twitter which nobody gives a fuck about.