Facebook status
LIKE IF : people who say hot cocoa instead of hot chocolate make me uncomfortable
Can we just confirm that i watched your snapchat story to get rid of the little notification, not because I`m interested in your life
people who disapprove of you wearing full black are people you don’t need in your life
Boom, crash, the sound of my grades
The only person who is truly holding you back is you. No more excuses, it`s time to change. It`s time to live life at a new level.
there`s a Taylor Swift song for every mood/situation you could ever possibly be in
*ignores all problems and responsibilities* *hair flips* Oh well
in the mood for a hug and 87 chicken nuggets
Today I will do what others won`t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can`t
The reason Mickey Mouse wears gloves is so that his hands can be seen when they`re in front of his body.