Facebook status
I don`t even care anymore. If you wanna talk, hit me up, I`m not gonna try to start a conversation anymore to be left in the middle of it.
Everyone has good days and bad days, but mine are more like good hours and bad years.
Einstein denounced segregation, calling it a "disease of white people" and worked against racism in America.
If you suspect someone`s checking you out, yawn. If they yawn back, they were (yawning is visually contagious!).
The feelings of `being in love` are all chemical reactions in the brain, and the heart has nothing to do with it.
you have to text your girl all day. she`s going to think it`s cute but really the goal is to kill her battery so she can`t text other guys
god put a woman in the bible and she ruined the whole book in the first chapter smh
being in the friendzone is like an employer turning you down for a job then calls you to constantly complain about the person they hired smh
If you don`t get everything you want, think of the things you don`t get that you don`t want.
"Just ignore them" wow thank u my problems are solved u should write a book