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The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence.
When u leave math understanding the lesson❤️
Brotip #202: don`t believe everything you hear. there`s no way it`s ALWAYS their last piece of gum.
Brotip #200: plan ahead. arks are way easier to build before it floods than during.
Brotip #199: girls love confidence. girls hate cockiness.
Brotip #2997: the future is only going to get shorter the longer you wait.
Brotip #207: there isn`t an argument that can`t be won with a well-timed "cool story, bro."
Every boy wants a good girl to be bad just for him and every girl wants a bad boy to be good just for her.
Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I`ll give it back.
First you care. Then you get hurt.