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Drink a glass of ice cold water as soon as you wake up. It will boost your metabolism by up to 25%.
Accidentally erase something you just typed on your iPhone? To undo that, just shake it!
Character is much easier to maintain than to recover.
do u ever have the urge to tell someone to shut the fuck up even when they aren`t talking
Turn ons: common sense
my life is one big avoiding getting in the shower and then avoiding getting out of the shower
my music taste is so weird one minute ill be all happy & twerkin to a song, then the next minute im laying in bed crying about my life
In the end you`ll know who`s fake, who`s true, and who will risk it all for you.
one day there will be little mini me`s running around, half me and half of the person i love and thinking of that makes me really happy
valentine’s day is today so if you are secretly in love with me i suggest you reveal it now