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Sleeping next to someone you love not only reduces depression, but it helps you live longer, and makes you fall asleep faster.
You are what you eat. People who enjoy sweets like chocolate tend to be more generous, happier, selfless and open minded.
90% of people will fake laugh when they don`t understand what someone said to them.
Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you`re waiting.
Running low on battery? Put your phone on Airplane mode and it`ll charge much faster!
When you find yourself looking in the fridge out of boredom, drink the biggest glass of water you can. This will stop the impulse hunger.
Reasons why I stop replying: 1. I`m busy 2. you`re boring 3. I`m mad 4. you replied with one word 5. I`m on twitter 6. I`m eating
You`re my sun & moon, my yin & yang. My everything.
"Choose to be optimistic, it feels better." - Dalai Lama XIV
Now and then it`s good to list all the things you regularly do for which there was once a good reason.