Facebook status
Everything would be easier if we could Google how a certain person felt about us!
Feeling beast when you sing a fast verse from a song successfully ♫
LIKE if you and your best friend can say the smallest thing; start laughing and nobody knows why!
Poking; The weirdest sign of affection!
Don`t you hate it when...a really hot girl on Facebook has only 5 pictures!!!
"At Childhood We Always Wanted 2 Grow Big.. But Now We Realise Tht Broken Pencils & Unfilled Homework Was Better Than Broken ♥s & Busy life"
"can`t blame gravity for falling in love." ~ Albert Einstein
Old enough to know better, but too young to care.
when u just start feeling happy abt something it starts slipping away frm ur hands yyyyyyyyyyy
What`s worse than finding a worm in the apple you just took a bite from?? . . ~ Finding only half of the worm!!