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"Hey can i have a sip?" "Sure." * GLUG GLUG GLUG.* "Dude, what the hell?"
Always be good with the good but never be bad with bad because, you can`t wash mud with mud. It`s reality if you understand.
A song can totally bring back a whole lot of memories ♥
You can`t buy happiness.but you can buy ice cream,which is kinda the same thing (;
EVERYBODY`s online ,except the one u actually want :(
Whenever i can`t find something,it just magically appears when my mom looks!
I Love It when I guess a answer in the Exam and get it right :)
People don`t change...they just learn to lie better!
"Is that your ex?" "No, that`s the biggest mistake of my life."
The Best Feeling: Waking up in the middle of the night & realizing u still have hours to sleep!