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Improvement starts with "I"
LIKE if you`re a boy, girl, online, bored, a teen, hungry, thirsty, sad, happy, OR tired :)
"It`s a long story" *Explains* It sounded longer in my head...
Don`t you love it when someone you love pays much attention to you? I do!
They say the more you laugh the longer you`ll live. thanks to my friends, i`m never gonna die!
Be brave. Take risks. Nothing substitutes experience.. - Paulo Coelho
I only want to be with you twice...now, and forever.
Saying that I`m fat in front of people just to hear that I`m not fat.
Get your vision, tools and have a courage to rewrite your life. Remember: Your destiny will NOT be written for you, but by you!
I aspire to inspire until I expire.