Facebook status
That Awkward Moment When someone gets accused for something you did.
I hate Those Who Steal My Ideas Before I think of them :)
Difference between love and exams. Love: lots of thoughts in mind, but no guts to express. Exams: lots of guts but no thoughts in mind
I love the way my hair looks when it`s wet from the shower, then it dries and I`m dissapointed in it.
When I wake up from a good dream and can`t go back to sleep, I try to continue it in my head.
Seriously, why do I like you?
As you get older three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two..
I bet you I could stop gambling
You`re right. I`m NOT perfect. But I`m unique!
Before Facebook, I never realized so many people had birthdays...