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They say Love isn`t a game. Why are there so many players then?
3 biggest lies told by TEENAGERS: 1. Seriously dude, I don`t like anyone. 2. Everything`s fine. 3. I Can`t! I`m too busy doing homework.
That awkward moment when you scream to your friend across the room and everybody is staring.
It`s easy to stand in the crowd, but it takes courage to stand alone.
That awkward moment when you are stuffing your face like a pig and you look up an realize someone is starring at you AWKWARD
Recycle your bottles not your status updates.
My room is not messy; it is an obstacle course designed to keep me fit.
I hate it when I can`t stop thinking about that one person, and deep down inside I know they probably haven`t thought about me once.
The problem with guys is they pretend to like you when they don`t. The problem with girls is they pretend they don`t like you when they do.
There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and live just a little bit better.