Facebook status
I google myself sometimes just to know what the hell I am upto. . .
Sometimes I wonder, "Why do I bother?"
It sucks to know that you still love the person who broke your heart.
◄◄| ▌▌| ► | ■ | Life would be perfect if we had these!
I`m not a stalker. Look! Here`s a picture of you in the shower... Am I in it? Nooooo!
That awesome moment when the teacher asks u a question, thinking u wasn`t paying attention. Then u answer right, it`s like What now! B*-ch!
you don`t have to like me. I`m not a facebook status.. :)
That awkward moment when you can see someone staring at you from the side of your eye.
Hey Google, why don`t you sit next to me during my exam? ;)
I feel like getting some work done…and so I’m sitting down until the feeling passes.