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It`s not official until it`s on facebook.
Without you, I`m like... Status Update without Likes.
Like if you had That awkward moment when you sleep over at your friend`s house and you wake up before them so you just stare at their house`s wall.
A great relationship isn`t when perfect couple comes together, but imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.
I wanna throw a party with fake alcohol and see how many people act wasted.
SMILE (: Your enemies HATE it.
The awkward moment when you say an awesome joke, but no one gets it.
Lucky = A man who is a woman`s 1st love. Luckier = A woman who is a man`s last love.
Some books with the nicest covers, tell the worst stories!
Missing a call by like 3 seconds, calling back, and then they don`t answer..