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When a man brings his wife flowers for no reason, there`s a reason :)
Life is like a book. Everyday has a new page with adventures to tell, things to learn and tales to remember.
I`m in love with my bed, but my alarm clock wont let us be together.
Life is like an elevator, it has its ups and downs but you are the one who controls the direction it can go.
I`m not clumsy. It`s just the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies, & the wall just gets in the way.
A girl`s laughter is much more cheerful than a boy`s. But a boy`s tear is much more meaningful than a girl`s.
Love is boundless, Moments are countless, and Friends are priceless. So Live your life to the fullest, and live it full of Happiness! (:
The awkward moment when you realise yelling at a film/tv show won`t help.
You`re 8, and you have a phone! Who are you gonna call? Barney?
Relationship = The battle of "What I feel" Vs "What I deal"