Facebook status

First dates are awkward, first kisses are heavenly, first love is irreplaceable, and first heartbreaks are unforgettable.
Whoever uses pharse "Easy as taking candy from a baby" has obviously never tried taking candy from a baby
Run with your dreams and follow your passions. Make things happen. Change courses. This will lead you to your destiny.
Just because her eyes don’t tear doesn’t mean her heart doesn’t cry....
♥ LOVE always has it`s ``ERRORS`` sometimes we try 2 ``REFRESH`` then realyize it`s best 2 b ``SHUTDOWN`` but the hardest part is 2 ``RESTART`` your life and ``REFORMAT`` your HEART ♥
That akward moment, when you spill something at someones house...:P
That awkward moment, when you wake up with one sock on.. :)
Facebook REALLY needs a `No one cares` button
After sending a risky text, a minute feels like an eternity
Avoiding looking at someone, because you know they`re looking at you.