Facebook status

Would you like a bag? No, I thought I would carry these 14 items on my head....
Love is like a glass door… Sometimes you don’t see it and it smacks you right in the face.
Some guys are like commercials, you can`t believe a word they say
If you hate me, takes a turn, find your seat and wait for me to care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*STUDYING* The above dangerous stunts are performed only by trained professionals so! don`t try this at school or at home
"Twitter is over capacity." *Refresh* "Twitter is over capacity." *Refresh* Screw it, I`m getting on Facebook.
Great personality will always make you more attractive than someone who only has a great face.
There should be realtionship status that says,"I don`t even know what`s going on"
I`m not a bitch, I just have a low bullshit tolerance.