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Parents, Biggest Liars EVER!!!! Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Boogie Man, .... My Pony All Lies!!!
Admit it, sometimes, even when your crush does something really weird.... it still looks cute for you. ♥
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword :)
Do you know why a previous relationship is called EX? It`s not the term for the past. EX is short for EXpired :)
When I have money, there is nothing to buy, but when I don`t have money there is everything :-)
Just finished my 6 minute upper body workout-it was pretty easy:arm down,pick up food,arm up,put food in mouth, switch arms :)
Life is hard normally, but its harder if you are Stupid.
Hey, I found your Nose, it was in my business again
Girls, being beautiful doesn’t make you nice. Being nice makes you beautiful!
A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.