Facebook status
3 Ways to write in EXAM: Look up for INSPIRATION, Look down for CONCENTRATION and Look around for INFORMATION!
Log Out is the hardest button to press
It`s a little too late, I`m a little too gone, a little too tired of just hanging on.
I Hate when my friend takes out their phone and starts texting right while I`m talking to them.
A bus is a vehicle that runs twice faster when you are after it and too slow when you are in it!! :p
I don`t have an attitude problem! I just have a low tolerance for Bullsh*t!
I remember all my friends` birthday! Since I was on Facebook!
Girls are funny creatures. They hate it when you ask their age, but will kill you if you forget their birthday`s :-)
I`ve learned that you shouldn`t be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.
"There is no "emoticon" to express what I am feeling right now." - The Simpsons (1989)