Facebook status

That awkward moment when someone`s staring at your keyboard while you`re typing your password.
My life is none of your business.
you have my heart can I have yours ♥
I love you and you love me, then why can`t we be together?
I wish studying for an exam was as easy as remembering lyrics. I`d pass every exam.
That `` HELL YEAH`` moment after you read a text post that exactly tell what you really feel and think.
When I drop my phone, I act like I just dropped a new born baby.
D.R.A.M.A. ---> [D]umbass [R]etards [A]sking for [M]ore [A]ttention
Life is full of fake people. Before you decide to judge them, make sure you`re not one of them.
That awkward moment when someone you don`t know adds you on facebook and they message you asking who you are. B*tch, you added me!