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There’s no such thing as a long distance relationship if you keep your hearts close.
Happiness starts with one word, one joke, one text, one phone call, one song, one kiss, one hug and stops with one mistake.
Don`t Trust Money, it gives Bed but not Sleep.It gives Books but not Mind, It gives Luxuries but not Happiness. So Transfer it to My Account
Rhinos are just fat unicorns. If we`d give them the time and attention they deserve, as well as a diet: They`d reveal their majestic ways.
LIKE IF: When I was younger I drew the sun in the corner of the paper.
Listen to your elders advices, not because they are always right, but because they have more experiences of being wrong.
Past is a nice place to visit but certainly not a good place to Stay.
TheSpaceButtonDoesn`tWork :-)
The best feeling in the world is when the person you like, likes you back.
When I sit down on a field, I automatically start to pull grass out of the ground!!