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eVery Step i Take ,,, eVery Move i Make ,, eVery Single Day ,,
eVery Time i Pray ,, ---► i`ll Missing U ♥ ♥ .
LIKE if: peeking out of your 3D glasses during a movie just to see the diffrence xD
when a girl hacks a Facebook account "OMG hacked by Nicole LOVE YOU Bar".
when a guy hacks a Facebook account "I am gay!!"
Dear middle school girl who thinks she`s a Victoria`s Secret model, mind if I borrow a tissue? Sincerely, it`s falling out of your bra.
Don`t take too much time to text her back.. It makes her feel you`re talking to someone more important than her.
No one has the right to judge you. They might have heard the stories, but they didn`t feel what you felt in your heart.
Dear ladies.. All men with money aren`t smart. Sometimes a man`s money grows, but he doesn`t.
Girls Are Like Police. Once They Get Hold Of All The Evidences, They Still Want To Hear The Truth From You.
There are a lot people who call you by your name, but there is only ONE PERSON who can make it sound so SPECIAL.
Sometimes we play with love. But when the time comes and we realize we wanna get serious, love plays with us