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That awkward moment when someone says "OH MY GOSH, YOU GUYS SHOULD DATE.!"
Yawning Is your body`s way of saying 20% of battery remaining.
am I the only one whose never seen a Pizza delivery girl..?
I wasnt that drunk... I wasnt that drunk! Dude, you asked your girlfriend if she was single..
There are two reasons people don`t talk about something. Either it means nothing or it means everything.♥
LIKE IF:Putting in headphones, but still secretly listening to the conversations around you.
Yes I am single, no you don`t have a chance.
The awkward moment when your boyfriend`s hair is so much better than yours
Ironic how there is still "ex" in "next"... guess life is just a cycle between exes and nexts.
The funniest thing about this sentence, is that by the time you realize it says absolutely nothing, it will be to late to stop reading it.