Facebook status

Never say “that won’t happen to me!”, because life has a funny way of proving us wrong.
Relationships last long because two brave people made a choice: "To keep it, to fight for it and to work for it!"
That awkward moment when you see 9 year olds with boyfriends or girlfriends, while you`re still single.
I don`t like flirtationships, they are empty but they save you pain for sure.
Sitting at home: Oh cool it`s raining. Sitting at school: HOLY CRAP! LOOK, IT`S RAINING!
Saying "oh!" like you get it. But you still have no idea..
Sending a girl a text that says `good morning beautiful` can change her attitude for the whole day.
Lets take a picture! *takes picture* Friend1: I love it! Friend2: delete it now.
That awkward moment when two people start a conversation on your facebook status.
That awkward moment when you don`t wanna come out of you`re room because your parents have visitors over.