Facebook status
Mom: I bought you some pencils. *Hands me a 10 pack of pencils* Me: WTF this will last me like 2 days..
We all have those friends that say how much they hate someone, and two minutes later they act like they`re best friends.
True words aren`t always pretty. Pretty words aren`t always true.
You need to realize that life`s too short to cry over people that aren`t crying over you. So smile and forget the people that don`t care.
Seeing a spider isn`t the biggest problem, it`s when it disappears.
That awkward moment when you say ‘Hey’ to someone on facebook chat, and seconds later they sign out..
Dear mom and dad, When you said " It`s time to go" I assumed you were ready too. Sincerely, been waiting in the car for 20 minutes.
I like it when you smile but I love it when I`m the reason
Lesson I`ve learnt: Before you find your prince, you have to kiss tons of ordinary frogs.
Sitting in the cinema, ready to watch the movie, then BOOM! The human giraffe sits in front of you.