Facebook status

"I wasnt that Drunk".
Dude, you were walking around naked trying to put your phone in your pocket.
Don`t push people to like you, you`re not a Facebook status
"I wasnt that Drunk". Dude, you told me to give you a ride home... the party was at your house.
Songs are so much better when you haven`t listened to them in a long time.
Human brain is so amazing it functions 24 hours. It functions right the time we were born and only stops when we take exams.
A real man never stops trying to show a girl he cares about her, even if he already has her.
People who gossip with you, most likely gossip about you.
Throughout my life: I`ve loved, I`ve lied. I`ve hurt, I`ve lost. I`ve missed, I`ve trusted. I`ve made mistakes. I`ve learned.
Boy: What do you want to talk about? Girl: Everything. Boy: Ok, we`ll talk about you. Girl: Why me? Boy: Because you`re my everything.
A good morning text does not only mean "Good morning". It has a silent, loving message that says..."I think of you when I wake up."