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I hate when my body is like, "Time to sneeze." Then it`s all, "LOL JK."
Yeah, I`m single, but you`re gonna have to be amazing to change that.
Every girl deserves someone to remind her that she`s beautiful.
Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something.
Sometimes, not getting what I want is a wonderful stroke of luck.
Cheating on my Exam: (←_←)(→_→)(←_←)(→_→)(↑_ ↑)(←_←)(→_→) ;D
*Girls on Facebook* "Getting starbucks with jenny!" *2 minutes later...* *121 pictures and 5 videos uploaded!* ;D
Q: “How do you hold love?” A: “With my hands wide open, my heart ready to let go and let the other grow."
One day you`ll just be a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one.
Mom, my friends don`t care if the house is a mess, they just want the food.