Facebook status

LIKE IF: Taking a group picture and having half of the group like it and the other half hate it.
It`s not about the problems, it`s about the solutions, it`s not about falling, it`s about standing up. It can only make me stronger.
"I wasn`t that drunk." -__- Dude you hug my grandpa screaming "Dumbledore you`re alive".
in every girls life is a boy that she will never ever forget.♥..
When I`m having a bad day I DONT WANT A "WHATS WRONG?" i want a hug and a shoulder to cry on .
In Maths I just guess the answers and when it comes back I was wrong I just say "I picked an answer at random.I was testing out probability"
The day you see the person you loved holding someone elses hand, tells you how much you actually loved them.
waiting for someones song to finish so that you can play a song
Roses Are Red
Violets are Red
Grass is Red
Ohh! Shit! There is a fire in my Backyard
baby, there is no make-up that can cover your ugly face ;)