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Twitter over capacity? Retry. Retry. Retry. Home. Retry. Retry. Facebook.
Deleting your facebook is like running away from home. `You`re just doing it for attention and you’ll be back in an hour`.
Voldermort`s face is flat because he ran into the wrong wall at the train station.
Dear raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies, you are the reason I`ve trust issues.
I hate texting people who don`t use smileys. It feels like, I`m texting an emotionless robot.
That Awesome Moment when you`re telling a lie and your best friend notices and joins you.
I`ve always wondered why "W" is called Double U when it`s clearly Double V...
One song can bring back so many memories. <3
The Lazy Rule: Why Should I make the bed if I`m gonna sleep in it again?
"If you fall, I`ll be there for you." - Floor