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Anyone who`s never been hurt in love is either very lucky or very lonely.
It`s hard to pretend to be friends with someone special when every time you look at them, all you see is everything you ever wanted.
I watched Transformers today, and I`ve spent the past 2 hours in my garage telling my car I know his secret... He`s shy.
I always sneak some type of food in the movie theater
That awkward moment when your crush asks you who you like.
"OMG did you get BRACES?!?!?" "nah, I just decided to bedazzle my teeth."
Its awkward when someone is wearing a skin colored shirt and you think they`re naked.
Dear YouTube, stop buffering every 10 seconds! Sincerely, it`s... like... watching... like... this.
*Woman gives birth* Woman: I think I`ll name her Sara. Doctor: I`m sorry, but that name`s already taken.. May I suggest Sara89 or Sara_13?
That Awkward moment when Adele finds someone like you