Facebook status

Facebook is: 1) A distraction. 2) A tracking device. 3) Where drama lives. 4) Everybody’s Diary.
Stop saying "I PROMISE" Start saying “I’LL DO IT”
I don`t know what`s more awkward, answering Dora or sitting in silence whilst she stares at you.
Dear boys who are Smart, Hot, Awesome and madly in love with me.. PLEASE START EXISTING.
"You look tired" ...Aww, thanks for gently telling me that I look like crap :/
Smile and let everyone know that today, you`re a lot stronger than you were yesterday
Liking a Facebook status, that is clearly about you, because you`re a fearless bastard. :D
Deep inside, you believe that someday you`ll get a superpower.
Some people nowadays have no respect for themselves or other people.
lol = Drowning Man. *lol* = Drowning Cheerleader. Like if you get it.