Facebook status

Facebook is for people, I normally see. Twitter is for people, I wish I could see.
I`m a lazy texter. Unless you`re cute.
A simple "Hello" could lead to a million things.
Calling someone ugly won`t make you any prettier.
I like hearing the words, "I miss you."
We`re not together but no one else is allowed to date you, okay?
Our hearts are so small, yet they hold the biggest memories.
When people ask me, `Plz` because it`s shorter than `Please`, I tell them `No` because it`s shorter than `Yes`.
When you`re next to me, I can see the greatest story LOVE has ever told.
Three solutions to every problem : Accept it ,change it or leave it .If you can`t accept it, change it. If you can`t change it, leave it.