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BLONDE: "What does GTG mean?" BRUNETTE: "Got to go." BLONDE: "Ugh! Every time I ask someone they have to leave!"
I bought a self-help cd online. It was called "How to Handle Disappointment". When the package arrived it was empty!
Do u know that GRAVITY is stronger at morning . . . . It is proven in the fact Its so hard to get up from the bed.
That moment when you hear your mom mention your name on the phone and all you think is "what the hell is she saying about me now?"
Sex scene on TV + Parents in same room + No sign of remote = Awkward Atmosphere :)
That awkward moment when you spell the word correctly but it just looks so wrong, so you just stare at it forever.
what did the Zero say to the 8? ................. nice belt!
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
When your dad is mad and asks you, “Do I look stupid?” Don’t answer him
Have you ever changed a whole text message just because you didn`t know how to spell one word?