Facebook status

That awkward moment when someones laugh is funnier than what they said.
Sleep is for people with no internet connection.
I think some people should get two Facebook accounts... one for each face
When you`re home alone and you hear a strange noise & you`re just like (ಠ__ಠ) "WTF! WHO`S THERE?!"
The best thing to do after a bad breakup is eat alot of ice cream, not get back toghether.
My version of flirting is looking at someone I find attractive multiple times and hoping they are more brave than I am.:)
Cuddling, Snuggling, Smiling, Laughing, and Kissing: all the things you should do in a relationship to be happy.
What I feel for you is the kind of feeling people write love songs about ♥
Am I the only one that doesn`t see feathers during a pillow fight?
My heart is mine, but whenever I argue with it about you, it always takes your side.