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This is a "A" and "B" conversation so "C" your way out before "D" jumps over "E" and "F"s you up like a "G".
I`m not a NERD. I just don`t want to work at MCDONALD`S when I`m older.
A relationship is like a job. You have to work hard to get in it, and you have to work even harder to stay in it.
2 types of people that annoy me: Drunk people, when I`m sober. Sober people, when I`m drunk.
that awkward moment when your listening and singing to -Im sexy and i know it on your Ipod and People just stare at you saying "SURREE"
Dear Math Book, please stop trying to find your "x" just deal with it, they`re gone forever.....
PROGRAM (pro`-gram)
[n] A magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn one`s input into error messages.
Am always happy to see a black and a chinese kid playing together. It gives me hope of another Rush Hour movie :)
Once they see you doing better without them, that`s when they want you back.
Pressing a toy that says `TRY ME` at the store and it wont stop, So you just awkwardly walk away so no knows you did it.