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Life is too short to remove the USB safely.
When someone leaves you, don’t hope and wait for that person to come back. Feel good about yourself and say….next please :)
LIKE IF:Writing random words on your homework so it looks like you completed it.
*When my parents are asleep* Me- "Shh! they`re sleeping" ... *When I`m asleep* Parents- "Let`s vacuum the house for 3 hours"
Sleep is my drug. My bed is my dealer. My alarm is the cops. And school is jail.
Dear Forever, You didn’t last.
SCHOOL IS POINTLESS. English: We speak it. History: They`re dead get over it, Math: 1+1=2..Beyonce taught us that. Spanish: We have Dora.
I wish you could google how people feel about you
LIKE IF: Saying "okay" a million times, in hopes that the person talking will shut up.
First Rule of Business: Stay out of mine.