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"Fight?!" ... "WHERE?!!" *WHOLE SCHOOL RUNS *
Don`t start when you know you can`t stop, especially in love
That awkward moment when you yawn & your eyes get teary, then people ask you why your crying.
Imagine having a teacher named Alejandro & whenever he calls on you, Just be like: "Don`t call my name, Don`t call my name, Alejandro."
LIKE IF: When somebody says "10 years ago" I think about the 90`s instead of 2002.
That awkward moment when someone skinnier than you says "I`m so fat." and you stand there like. -__-
That Amazing Moment when a question on a test give the answer to another question.
Don`t call me a "stranger". The phone works both ways. I don`t always have to start the conversation.
I don`t understand how guys can do so many mean things and not care at all.
That moment when you`re reading old messages and you`re thinking " where did we go wrong.."