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Dear shirt, I fell in love with... I hate you. Sincerely, just saw the price tag.
That baby dinosaur noise you make when you stretch.
Teacher: Please go to page 364 in your text book. Random kid in the back: "HOLY CRAP I JUST FLIPED RIGHT TO THAT EXACT PAGE IN ONE FLIP!"
"Dude she just called you Taylor Swift." "Oh hell Noo hold my guitar.. Wait, actually let me write a song about it first."
The awkward moment you`re trying to get over someone you were never dating.
Gay people are such great dressers because they`ve spent a lot of time in the closet.
I was born without you. So guess what? I can live without you.
*Wakes up in the middle of the night.* "Please don`t be 7am!!" *checks time, 2am* OH THANK GOD!
That awkward moment when you finally take a decent picture and then as you continue to stare, it gets uglier.
They say don`t look for love, let love find you. Well love never bothers to look for me.