Facebook status

Dear people who write on bathroom walls, I don`t care who you love. I`m just trying to pee. -_-
"The bell doesn`t dismiss you." "Then it doesn`t tell me when to arrive either."
That awkward moment when you realize you’re walking in the wrong direction, so you hit your pockets pretending you forgot something.
I`m not fat. I`m just so sexy that it overflows. ;)
Facebook : Posting 100s of statuses in a day =OBSESSED ... Twitter : Posting 100′s of tweets in a day = NORMAL. THEREFORE, Twitter is better
1,000,000 MEMORIES.100,000 inside jokes. 10,000 great times. 1,000 hours of laughter. 100 secrets. 10 texts per minute. 1 BEST FRIEND. (:
There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and live just a little bit better.
You`re weird, obnoxious, crazy and a complete idiot. but you know what? i still love you. <3
LIKE if you also Watching a funny movie after a scary one to try to reduce the risk of nightmares.
That frustrating moment when you`ve ALMOST finished your bowl of cereal, and the last 5 are like: "catch me if you can, idiot!" -_-