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"LOOK!", "Hold on", "Looook!", "HOLD ON!", "F*CKING LOOOOK!", "OKAY, what?", "You missed it."
RIP Facebook Say Hi To Myspace For Me, Sincerely Twitter.
Protect her like a daughter, love her like a wife, and respect her like your mother.
It took Harry Potter 7 long books to catch the bad guy while It only takes scooby doo 25 minutes.
I used to think you were my happily ever after, but now you`re just my once upon a time.
You will never be able to start a new chapter of your life unless you stop looking back at the last one.
The more u learn the more u know,
the more u know the more u forget,
the more u forget the less u know,
so why to learn?
Dad: Hey son Come here! Me:ZZZZZZZ. Dad: I have pie.. Apple Pie.. Me: Where is the pie?! Dad: Really?O_o
I wonder if kids in china ever look at their happy meals toys and say "I made this" :)
LIKE IF:Closing your left and right eye to see how an object changes places when you`re extremely bored..