Facebook status
That awkward moment when you try to scare someone and it doesn`t work.
You liked your own Facebook status?........Ok.......You`re cool.
``I wasn`t that drunk.`` Dude you threw my parrot and screamed "Angry Birds.``
"K" = the most powerful way to piss someone off while texting.
Slut: OMG I lost 5 pounds! Nerd: So you finally took off your makeup...
Nothing is better than seeing your ex with someone uglier than you.
Dumping someone doesn`t always mean you`re heartless. It means we know exactly what we deserve.
School homework: "ughh dude, you get it yet?" "nope.. you?" "nahh.." "let`s just leave it for tomorrow"
If I had a nickel for every time you made me angry I would put all the money in a bag and whack you with it ♥
I wonder how many kids would be failing school if it wasn`t for Google, and who would be passing if it wasn`t for Facebook.